Embodied cognitive agents are computational systems that can communicate
verbally and non-verbally, just like humans do.
de Melo, C. (2012). The interpersonal effect of emotion in decision-making and social
Ph.D Dissertation. Computer Science Department, University of Southern California. pdf
de Melo, C., & Gratch, J. (2009). Expression of emotions using wrinkles, blushing, sweating
and tears.
In Proceedings of the Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 09), pp. 188-200. pdf
de Melo, C., & Paiva, A. (2006). Multimodal expression in virtual humans. Computer
Animation and Virtual Worlds,
17(3-4), 1-10. pdf
de Melo, C. (2006). Gesticulation expression in virtual humans. M.Sc. Thesis, Department of
Information Systems and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon. pdf
Virtual Confederates
Virtual humans are the ideal confederates for social experiments.
de Melo, C., Carnevale, P., & Gratch, J. (2014). Using virtual confederates to research
intergroup bias and conflict.
In Best Paper Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 14).
Embodied Assistants in Augmented Reality
Embodied assistants can improve performance without a significant impact on users' cognitive load.
Kim, K., de Melo, C., Norouzi, N., Bruder, G., & Welch, G. (2020). Reducing workload with an embodied intelligent virtual agent for improved performance in a collaborative decision making task. IEEE VR 2020.