
Recent Press Articles

Apr-21, 2021, Observer: COVID-19 May Have Rewired People’s Relationships With Artificial Intelligence Forever

Feb-3, 2021, ARL Press: Army researchers expand study of ethics, artificial intelligence
Related: Technology Networks  The Medical News  ScienMag  Tech Xplore  ScienMag 

Nov-9, 2020, Army Times: Future robot battle buddies may read your emotions to fight better
Related: Defense News  New York Post 

Sep-15, 2020, ARL Press: Future autonomous machines may build trust through emotion
Related: ScienMag  Science Daily  Tech Xplore  Newswise  Bioengineer 

May-7, 2020, Research Outreach: Cooperation with autonomous machines through culture and emotion
Related: Space Daily 

Feb-11, 2019, ARL Press: Pre-programming autonomous machines promotes selfless decision-making
Related: Space Daily  Tech Xplore